Democracy = City run by Democrats
The Sun-Times' Fran Spielman explains:
But over the weekend, the mayor reportedly concluded that he needed to step in to forge a compromise and end months of City Council acrimony that threatened to carry over to other issues.
Apparently convinced that the bar and tavern exemption would not pass — and that Smith may well have the 26 votes he needs for the all-inclusive ban — Daley reportedly came around to the idea of a total ban with a longer phase-in. If the anti-smoking train was about to leave the station, the mayor wanted to be on the engine, not the caboose, sources said.
“There is an indication that the administration would be accepting of something along these [phase-in] lines, which, I think, helped break the logjam,” said Ald. Pat O’Connor (40th), the mayor’s unofficial City Council floor leader who favors Smith’s no-exceptions ban.
So, Ald. Smith probably had the votes for the total ban to pass, and Mayor Daley intervened to break the logjam? What log did he break and where was it jammed? God forbid a law passes in this town by less than a total majority. And if God won't forbid it, Daley will.
Oy. This has been an insane misuse of representative democracy.
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